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Home: Welcome
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Our Purpose

Millions of improvement culture leaders

All organizations wanting to survive in a complex and rapidly changing environment, need to transform into a real learning organization. Learning organizations are a system of people who master the art of learning together. In this environment, work is seen as a continuous learning process rather than simply a way to execute tasks. Through sensei mentorship, e-courses, and on-site training we offer more than 30 years of experience to leaders and organizations to make changes that last.

How we can contribute

Mission: We challenge and train, by giving new lenses, for improvement culture transformation.

Image by Nik MacMillan
Image by Christin Hume

Sensei Mentorship

Transformation through dialogue

Our sensei partnership is helping leaders to learn faster through challenging and dialogue. Leadership for complex systems needs systems thinking and deep understanding of the hidden drivers of improvement and innovation. Whether you are advanced in system thinking or just now starting to use the method, we recommend you enlist the expertise of our sensei mentor to help you with learning and growing through your journey.

Books and e-learning

What you need, when you need it, how you need it.

ILO provides e-books, e-courses and webinars for learning organizations. These digital resources reflect the best knowledge available on learning leadership. It’s affordable and available 24/7.

We can also create customized e-learning programs and webinars for learning organizations.

Courses and seminars

Make your own workplace your campus.

We tailor site training linked to the practical challenges developing learning and improvement culture.


We also do training with Gemba learning trips to leading Norwegian companies and municipalities.

 A change of scenery helps open the mind to new ways of thinking.  We could also also bring your team to our countryside retreat in Italy for our off-site training program.


Schedule a complimentary consultation with Institute for Learning Organizations.

Home: Coaching

Co-operation Partnership

ILO is part of a cluster of providers of organizational learning resources.


We cooperate in the following areas:

- Forbedringslederskolen (School)

- Blackbelt Lean and Continuous improvement  program

- Conferences

- Leadership seminar in Piemonte, Italy

LOS Norge
(Society for organizational Learning in Norway)

We cooperate with LOS Norge in two areas:

-Learning Organizations program. It is an ongoing program since 2020.

-Annual knowledge creation workshop in Piemonte, Italy 


We cooperate with Kaizen Solutions to develop DigiLEAN LEARNING.  

ILO provides DigiLEAN with digital learning resources.

Skjermbilde 2021-10-14 kl. 16.31.11.png

Leonardo Group Americas

We are affiliated with Leonardo Group Americas for UK, Spain, Italy, Sweden and Norway.  Online training and certification in Mixed Model line Design and Mixed Model Material Management.  Consulting in advanced Lean for the healthcare and manufacturing sectors.

Learn More

Some of our clients

Some of the organizations we have provided improvement training during the last two years.

UDI - The Directorate of Immigration

Development of a learning-organization plan based on the Norwegian co-operation model involving top management and unions. The UDI is responsible for processing applications of foreigners wanting to visit or live in Norway, asylum reception centers and deportation cases.

Delta Group Jobb og Kompetanse

Assisted Delta Group with Everyday Learning framework through training and sensei dialogue. Delta Group's main focus is job placement, skills development and work training.

Equinor Mongstad

Mongstad is best known for Statoil´s refinery and Mongstad Base, Norway´s largest oil supply base. Over the years, Mongstad management and employees have developed a good Lean practice. Bjarne Berg Wig has been a sensei dialogue partner. We have also provided Mongstad with training and digital learning resources.

AVINOR (Flowit)

AVINOR runs all main airports in Norway. They have developed a good lean practice over the last few years. Through co-operation with Flowit, we provided training for top and middle managers.

Eramet Norway

Eramet is the worlds leading manganese producer. They deliver refined manganese alloys to steelmakers worldwide - based on Norwegian industrial traditions and sustainable high technology. Eramet Norway has clear ambition to be a real learning organization. Bjarne Berg Wig has been sensei dialogue partner for the improvement director the last two years.

Yara ASA

Yara (formerly Hydro Agri)  is one of the leading fertilizer companies in the world. Yara has an ambiguous improvement program. Developing the entire management system based on Lean thinking. Bjarne Berg Wig was engaged to assess and give input to develop this program.

Stavne KF (Trondheim Kommune)

Driven by an intense motivation to make a difference, Stavne is helping people back to work by involving, training and supporting them. Bjarne Berg Wig is assisting their Everyday Learning practice.

Vestre Toten Kommune

Vestre Toten Kommune is regarded as the leading Lean and continuous improvement municipality in Norway. Through courses and dialogue we have challenged and assisted them on their journey. Last year we developed video training material for their internal management development program.

Hennig Olsen Is

Hennig Olsen is an ice cream producer with long tradition. Known for good products and good values. We assist them in team development and Everyday Learning.


Sophies Minde Ortopedi

Sofies Minde is the leading orthopedic institution in Norway. We have started a long term co-operation with them to develop a deep learning culture. Our contribution will be sensei dialogue, training and e-resources.

Kristiansand Dyrepark

Dyreparken is the leading amusement park in Norway, with a zoo, theatre and many locations for entertainment and joy especially for families. They have adopted Lean and learning organization practice. We have provided them with management training and dialogue on their journey.

Meet ILO

Institute for Learning organizations (ILO) was created to make the knowledge for system thinking affordable and accessible. It evolved from TQM Center Norway.  ILO has two resident experts: Bjarne Berg Wig, and Samer Hamadeh. Together they offer over 30 years of experience in continuous improvement and developing real learning organizations. Their focus is to help employees and leaders become system thinkers, and to practically apply this thinking within their organizations. This is done through a combination of mentorship, on-site training, and



Get to know us

Bjarne Berg Wig

Author and sensei Bjarne Berg Wig has more than 30 years of experience in quality management and Lean. He was Quality and Innovation Manager at Hydro Agri Europe (Now Yara). For the last 20 years, Bjarne has helped many Norwegian and international private and public companies transforming into learning organizations. He has developed academic programs with Bergen University College in Quality Management and Lean leadership. Several hundreds of leaders har gone through his practical training with high impact on many companies and municipalities in Norway.  

He has written 7 professional books which are used both in industry and in academic programs.


Bjarne is a founder of LOS Norge - the Society for Learning Organizations in Norway and regarded as one of the "gurus" of learning organizations in Europe.    



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