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Courses and seminars

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Trippel L Certification
(Norwegian Program)
1. februar

This course is delivered by ILO and Flowit in Norway. Main content three modules:

1. Lean and systems thinking
2. Learning Culture
3. Learning Leadership

Skjermbilde 2021-10-29 kl. 13.15.42.png

Obeya day seminar in Oslo 5.March

Day conference on Systems Thinking with Obeya. The program will be announced around New Year

2018-09-28 11.18.41.jpg

ALIOS Workshop in Piedmont 9. mai

Accelerated Learning in Organizations and Society is a R&D program led by Bjarne Berg Wig. The workshop in will follow up the project. If interested, take contact with 


Obeya Seminar in Piedmont September

We have started planning for an international Obeya seminar in co-operation with Obeya association. More info is coming.

Upcoming Events

  • Samarbeidsutvikling
    24- 27 september
    Albergo del Vino seminar senteret
    24- 27 september
    Albergo del Vino seminar senteret, Via Toetto, 14040 Castelnuovo Calcea AT, Italy
    24- 27 september
    Albergo del Vino seminar senteret, Via Toetto, 14040 Castelnuovo Calcea AT, Italy
    En unik studietur der fokus er coaching og systemtenkning. Ta del i gode diskusjoner og refleksjoner samt få ny kunnskap. For alle som ønsker å utvikle seg innen ledelse og Lean.
  • ALIOS Seminar in Piedmont
    ALIOS Seminar in Piedmont
    tor. 09. mai
    Via Toetto
    09. mai 2024, 03:18 – 13. mai 2024, 09:18
    Via Toetto, Via Toetto, 14040 Castelnuovo Calcea AT, Italy
    09. mai 2024, 03:18 – 13. mai 2024, 09:18
    Via Toetto, Via Toetto, 14040 Castelnuovo Calcea AT, Italy
    Accelerated Learning in Organizations and Society. R&D program team meeting in Albergo del Vino
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