Lærende Organisasjoner
The book gives leaders, union representatives and other change leaders the knowledge needed to move from an outdated system of goal management, bureaucracy and hierarchy - to a society that removes waste of all forms and frees the vas and often hidden resources that lie in all people.
Learning organizations describe the necessary breakdown from the current goal and result management to real learning organizations and learning systems. The book consists of three parts. The first part, "Past", raises the question: Why did we end up in this disorder, and how do we get out of it? Part two, "Present Time," is about how we go from "introducing Lean" and continuous improvement to becoming a true learning organization. The last part, "Future", asks: How do we develop self-organizing and open participatory organizations?
A red thread throughout the book is system thinking. System thinking is awareness of how systems work and how we think about them. To transform the organizations, we must change how we think. The book is for people who want to become better thinkers.
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Del I
Del II. Nåtid
Del III. Fremtid